Investor Relations

Whistleblowing Policy


Religare Health Trust Trustee-Manager Pte. Ltd., as trustee-manager of Religare Health Trust, is committed to a high standard of compliance with accounting, financial reporting, internal controls, corporate governance and auditing requirements and any other regulations within limits of the law.

In line with the above commitment, this policy is intended to provide a channel for the reporting of any actual or suspected wrongdoings by, as well as assurance that, the Whistleblower will be protected from reprisals or victimization for whistle blowing in good faith.

This policy also extends to cover subsidiaries, jointly-controlled entities and associated companies under the RHT Group to the extent that it is compliant with the local legislation of the countries in which such entities operate in.


Who may report?

  • Employees of the Trustee-Manager
  • External parties

What may be reported?

  1. Any wrongdoings conducted
  2. Fraudulent activities
  3. Intentional or deliberate non-compliance with laws and regulations
  4. Questionable accounting practices
  5. Illegal activities
  6. Corruption and deception
  7. Conflict of interest and abuse of authority
  8. Any acts or omissions deemed to be against the interests of RHT or its reputation
  9. Intentional breach of policies

How to report?

  • All whistleblowing reports should be factually written and contain sufficient material information for an effective investigation to be conducted.
  • Please send in your report via email to:
  • Our whistleblowing is overseen by the Audit and Risk Management Committee of Religare Health Trust Trustee Manager Pte. Ltd.

How will RHT respond?

All reports will be treated confidentially.

After receiving the report, a preliminary assessment will be conducted utilising the information provided. Following which, an investigation will be carried out and the appropriate disciplinary action meted.

The Trustee-Manager is committed to providing good faith protection to any whistleblower. However, the Trustee-Manager will not condone false, frivolous, mischievous or malicious allegations and any person making such allegations will face disciplinary action or other appropriate action.